Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WTH do you mean it's only Wednesday???

My week has been pretty chaotic so far, and yours? First, we had a surprise inspection by a government agency that shall remain nameless... *cough* EPA! ... along with their local counterpart. That was a joy that I can never fully express. I'm sure some of you know what I mean.

Then yesterday we had a quality (customer) auditor come in who tried to be very nit-picky. He tried to trip us up, but we prevailed.. I think. Final reports are still pending for both wonderful visits, but we are optimistic. Yay!

So then I woke up this morning thinking exactly what the title of this blog says. I mean, seriously? I've had a full week already, you calendar scumbags! Calendar scumbags? Don't ask... See, my brain is fried, I tell ya.

I figured you all might need a laugh as much as I do on this Hump Day, so I did one of my famous searches for funny cartoons. Not so famous, you say? Well, damn. Enjoy them anyway. I'm sorry, but this first one literally made me LOL! Probably not wise since I did the search at work, but still...

 Hope you all are having a bitchin' week! I at least hope it's better for you than it is for me. We have to just laugh it off and press on, right? That's why I'm heading to your blogs shortly. TTFN!


Oilfield Trash said...

The one about clean under wear is so true.

Vinny C said...

I remember having to deal with one of those auditors in disguise back in one of my old jobs. Good times (NOT).

AmberLaShell said...

I've never had to deal w/anything like that before.. I hope it all turns out well.. Not to brag, but today is my friday... *runs away giggling

AmberLaShell Rants <--Click Here

BB said...

Thanks for the comics. Love the clean underwear one. That was always a joke between me and my late hubs because he went to the hospital via ambulance so many times. I'd always joke to him about it and found a coffee mug with that on it. Gave me a good smile and laugh. Thanks. Glad you're well. We miss you more often but understand you're busy.

Alessandra said...

Yup, I think the underwear one is the best. See if you can find it on a t-shirt for one of those inspectors...

Krissy said...

OT.. That's definitely an excuse I never thought to use with Mom!

Vinny.. They are definitely NOT fun. Glad you don't have to deal with them anymore.

Amber.. You suck! :)

Barb.. I miss you all too, but I'm going to be around more. I've got all kinds of ideas brewing so look out! :)

Alessandra.. Ha! I love that idea!

Talkative Taurus

Joss said...

It's friday now so you can let out a sigh of relief that the week is over and look forward to what I hope is a much more relaxing weekend ((((hugs)))) joss xx

toko busana muslim said...

woww great post good luck


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