She stole my heart from the minute I laid eyes on her picture. The vet was going to let me take her, but he ended up saying that he better wait until Monday. He had called Animal Control who is also a deputy sheriff and asked him to go by the person's house to try to get his money, so he didn't want them to come pay and demand the dog without her being there. We had every feeling they weren't coming back, but just to be safe I waited.
Before leaving the vet's office, I had her on a leash in front of the other dog pens. She was pouncing and jumping at the other dogs like she was trying to play, and she never even barked! I think she's some kind of Feist mix, which is a hunting dog that the Rat Terrier is a form of. The descriptions and pictures I found online sure look like her. But the way she was acting, I'm thinking she'll be a great playmate for Bailey. If she doesn't fit, then I'll find a home for her. I have a feeling she's going to be great though! She's only about 4 months old.
I ended up posting her picture on my personal Facebook page and asking what names people thought fit her. I had come up with Sadie, and without seeing what I thought my sister popped out with that name, too! So I think it's safe to say she was meant to be a Sadie.
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Thus the title of this post. I would love to smack her around for leaving the puppy but hug her at the same time for dropping Sadie in my lap. I am hoping she is just what Bailey and I need to complete our little family. She is so sweet, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since Saturday. Now I have to go home and puppy proof the house with a puppy running around. Ha! Guess I should have done that yesterday just in case, but would you really expect me to think ahead like that? I am the world's biggest procrastinator, just ask my professors. I also have to go buy a crate, food, a collar... Geez, this will be an expensive day. It's a good thing I have an "in" at the hardware store in town to get most of it.
I'll post more pictures of her after I take care of the house and introduce her to Bailey. Crossing my fingers that she works out! I'm sure you can tell that I'm excited because I couldn't wait to even bring her home before sharing her with you all. Her golden eyes would have made you a sucker, too.
Awww! Best of luck with her, dariln', and I can't wait to see more pictures of her with Bailey!
I commend you for all you do for animals in your area! There needs to be more of you out there!
Kat.. Thanks, hon! I am anxious to see how they will be together. I bet Bailey will be excited to have a playmate.
CBG.. Thank you so much. That means a lot, believe me. I just hate to see animals mistreated or abandoned with no one caring for them or giving them the love they deserve, so I do what I can. None of them asked for this kind of life.
Yay for you taking that dog in. You are a special person and the world needs more people like you.
Just make sure the Parvo is 100 percent GONE as it's the worst. thing. ever. There is nothing worse, I swear.
When I was at the Humane Society I wanted to take everyone home with me, but settled on one...well, two ;)
She's so cute!! Hopefully she'll fit in and adjust quickly to her new home. :)
Congratulations on your new family member!
OT.. Thank you so much. That means the world to me. Anything I can do to save them from people who don't deserve them is my pleasure!
Abby.. He said she was fine and that Bailey would be safe to be around her. I think she has another round of shots left in a couple weeks, but I have to verify that when I pick her up. I had a puppy once that had Parvo and she was so deathly sick. Lord knows, I never want that again. You are awesome for rescuing those you did! I want to save them all, too.
Sunny Dee.. I hope so! Not looking forward to the potty training, I must admit.
Brooke.. Thanks! You'll all be sick of her after a while because I'm sure I'll post about her progress. So glad to see ya!
Hooray for you!
To me, anyone that takes in a sweet little dog is a saint. I love dogs and have volunteered at teh SPCA here in dallas before. That is awesome that you can take her in. Best of luck, and hopefully bailey will love having someone to play with.
She's adorable. Hope it works out for you. That owner proves that some people shouldn't have dogs or kids for that matter. How awful.
OMG she is adorable!!! I had a cat named Sadie once. She was awesome.
Good luck! Hope Bailey loves her! She deserves a good home. That lady definitely needs smacked.
Core.. Thanks! I say yay for Sadie and Bailey, too!
Amber.. Thanks for everything you've done to help animals, too. I try to do what I can, although I wish I could take them all home. Once Bailey meets her, I bet she'll love her.
Barb.. I agree! When I looked at her Facebook page, it looks like she collects kids like dogs. I hope she doesn't throw them away, too. I'm glad I could save Sadie from her!
JM.. Thanks! I would love to smack that lady, believe me. But now I get Sadie to love. I hope Bailey falls for her, too.
she is so very cute :) and I love the name. Hope it works out.
Congrats on your new member of your family. It is lucky to have you!
Lyndylou... Thanks! I'm so glad you like the name, too.
cajunme... Thank you. I think we are lucky to have her, though I'm re-thinking this new mommy thing tonight. LOL
Ahhhh. I am a hug first, slap second kind of person. And a question. Can Parvo be treated or cured? I can't remember what it is. (psssst - don't tell Belle, our black dog daughter, that I didn't know.)
middle child.. I agree with your order of things on this one, honestly. I'd rather slap her after hugging her. Yes, Parvo can be prevented, treated and cured. It's a virus dogs get but without their regular shots, they can often die if they get it before 6 months of age. She is 3 months old and fought it! They get VERY sick, and have to be treated in house with IV antibiotics for about a week.
She is adorable. I got both of my chis from the vet hospital I used to work at, they were both abandoned by people who didn't want to pay for them. I think Bailey will love her, make sure to post some pics of the two of them.
Alessandra.. I'm glad to hear you gave two who needed a home badly exactly what they deserved. I just don't understand people, but I guess we should be thankful they even took them to a vet when they got hurt or sick. Some do unspeakable things to dispose of them instead. I'll post some pictures shortly.
While I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept that someone would leave any dog (let alone that adorable baby!) at the vet. On the plus side, though, at least she took her to the vet for treatment rather than just leaving her abandoned somewhere...
I'm glad you think Sadie will be a great fit at home! What a wonderfully fuzzy addition to the family. :)
she is adorable we are considering getting a dog for little man which is kind of scary as i'm not sure we are up for it but then i see this cutie and think why not all animals deserve a home
Everyday Life
I think this lady just deserves the smack and not the hug. Definitely just the smack.
I have puppy fever so bad today. I was playing with my dog and thought, "Oh man, I want another puppy." I know I don't actually want another puppy and two danes would be one too many but I still wish sometimes. :-)
Sam... I know I am also torn by the way I feel about them, and that's why I gave this post that title. You want to scream at them for letting this adorable baby abandoned. Yet, they took her to the vet to get treated. On the other hand, they didn't get her the shots she needed and that's why she got sick in the first place! So frustrating.
Becca... All animals definitely deserve a loving home and a second chance if they don't find it the first time. I hope you will definitely consider a rescue dog if you get one for little man. They are so grateful for that chance! If you look around, one will adopt you instead of the other way around. They know who needs them. :)
Betch.. I agree that she needs just the smack and if you see what I just wrote to Sam, you'll know why I feel that way. If you have puppy fever, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get a rescue! They deserve the shot at a good home, and they will love you to pieces for it. There are rescue groups if you don't want to go to a shelter.
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