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I loved the way it picked up so many colors so vividly! |
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It wouldn't be a zoo trip without... Lions.. |
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Tigers... |
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and bears, oh my! |
For some reason, this gorilla keyed in on my niece A and spotting her was the only reason he came down out of the bushes. Then he ended up charging the glass right after this photo was taken, and he slammed his hand onto the glass right in front of her face! All of the adults jumped and she ran to my sister, but she was right back there staring him down in no time. That girl has zero fear level really, although if you knew her brother and her dad you'd probably understand why. They are tough guys through and through.
As I told you last week, I had friends come in from out of town Saturday night, and they stayed for several days. We really are getting old because we didn't go do much, but I have to say that we had so much to catch up on we were simply enjoying each other's company. If I had more warning they were coming, I would have planned for us to go to the beach or something. Oh, well. We had fun at least.
After they left, I changed the sheets because I let the two of them have my bed and I slept on the couch. Aren't I a nice host? I thought so! Good thing I had the new couch, but still you can only sleep on a couch for so long, ya know? When I was putting the clean sheets on the bed, I was so tickled I would have my bed back. Then I felt it...
The bottom of the mattress and the top of the boxspring were wet! Just so you know, my bed has water tubes in it. Not really like a water bed, but these water tubes fit into a mattress and you can't find those tubes anywhere anymore. So of course, I realized the bed was leaking. Just freaking great! I had to call my neighbor across the street who frequently comes to the rescue to come help me carry these heavy-ass tubes outside to drain them. This also meant Krissy was going to be sleeping on the couch again. I was not a happy camper, but I was more worried about keeping the carpet dry than anything at this point.
Once the crisis was averted, I called Mom who told me to run the ceiling fan to dry out the boxspring because there isn't a thing wrong with it. I went yesterday and bought a new mattress, and let me tell you... I had the BEST night of sleep last night. Granted, before going to bed I was so tired that my eyes were watering, but still. I had been sleeping on the couch since Friday for God's sake!
I figured I had needed a new mattress for a while because I was always waking up sore with aches especially in my shoulders and hips. Last night I even slept on my back for part of the night, which I haven't done in FOREVER without having trouble walking the next day. I felt thoroughly FANTABULOUS this morning. I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt that good in the morning. I even woke up before my alarm and I wasn't mad. Since I was used to sleeping on water that kinda sinks in, I did wake myself up a couple of times because I almost rolled off of the fluffy mattress. But that just made me laugh and realize that I'm a good bit higher off of the ground than I was with the old one.
I was in the furniture store so long that I ended up falling in love with this bedroom suite that goes on sale today. So I am heading back after work to buy it! She said she is going to throw in some lamps because she wasn't able to give me a bigger discount on the mattress, but I was desperate to leave with a mattress last night. I'm so glad I did it now. Oh, by the way, it's a Serenity pillow-top mattress that has lower lumbar support and individually foam wrapped super coils (or some such craziness) that helps those who like to sleep in different positions get support without the pain. I'm feeling it so far!
I'll take some pics of the new furniture with my phone for ya since they probably won't be delivered until next week. I am so excited! I really didn't want to spend the extra money, but I finally found a set where the drawers aren't so shallow that they only hold two shirts, ya know? I HATE that! Why don't they make them all bigger now?
Well, I better go for now. Sleep well, everyone! I know I sure plan to for the first time in years. Bailey will probably never get me out of bed Saturday morning.
Those are some really good pictures.
I had a similar heartbreak once. I'd been staying very comfortably with my friend's family in Japan, sleeping in the traditional bed roll thingies, for three weeks. I'd slept very well there, but I was so ready for the comfort of my own bed. I'd even made sure to make it with all clean sheets and comforters before leaving since I knew it would be so good to come home to. Got home only to discover - but not until bedtime, natch - that for the one and only time in her now 16 year old life, my cat had peed right in the middle of it. Some kind of anxiety fit or something I guess. I was way too jetlagged to do anything about it at that point, and wound up sleeping on the couch. It hurts so bad to be denied your own bed when you want it so much, doesn't it?
I love those pictures! So cute. Those water tube beds are trouble I tell you. I used to have one... something was always leaking somewhere! lol. They're so comfortable though.
your new mattress sounds like heaven! I need a new one cos I wake up with aches and pains too but have lots of things I have to buy first! Glad you've had a good week.
Whatever kind of bird that is in the third picture down is super cute. I want one. Right now.
And WATER BEDS. Do they still make real water beds? I remember my uncle had one like 20 years ago but it was also leaking and doing other crazy shit so eventually they threw it away. I thought those were bad for your back or something?
OT.. Thanks! I thought they were pretty good.
tiara.. If the cat hadn't been old, I would have thought of killing it. I can imagine how frustrating that was after what I went through.
Sunny Dee.. At least those tubes lasted for 16 years before I had a problem with them. Loved it for a long time though.
lyndylou.. The mattress is definitely heaven! I hope you can get one just as great before too long.
Betch.. I think it was a South African Crane. Stupid thing kept wanting to clean himself before he'd finally give me a decent picture. lol.. I bought the bed 16 years ago. I don't think they make waterbeds anymore. I know my sister had a time getting a replacement for hers, but hers was a full one not with tubes like mine. Pretty sure they don't make the ones like I had anymore. It was comfy for a lot of years.
I really like your pictures! Especially the gorilla one! haha!
beautiful pictures thank you for sharing them
Krissy-- 5 stars all the way around! The Bird is awesome--and you have that new Camera down pat!
Great stuff girl--and I had a water bed for like 15 years. It was the rage at the time.
I love the pics!
You sure are a lovely hostess to sleep on the couch, but don't worry, when I show up on your doorstep one day, I'll sleep there. ;-)
I've never heard of a bed with water tubes in it. Interesting. Sorry you had to go through all that mess, though!
I won't tell you what the first thing that went through my mind when I read "wet sheets" but, ewwwwww.
Then, I thought your friends suffered an incontinence issue. Still.....ewwwwwwwwwww.
Then, I continued reading and saw that you endured a water bed malfunction. So, ohhhhhhhhh. Sorry to hear about it though.
Kind of a relief.
Hey, that is one dandy lion.
That zoo looks a lot like our zoo, touted as the oldest zoo in America. Or the one with the oldest gorillas or popcorn.
I can never get that straight.
You've had a lot going on lately, I can see why you've disappeared from the blogging world for a while.
First - the photos of the zoo inhabitants are fabulous, really amazing and taken with an eye for great photo ops.
And now onto the bed situation - I laughed with what Al (the post before me) said - he's always so funny - but I thought the same thing, at first.
I thought you were going to write that one of your guests had "an accident" - I'm glad that wasn't the case.
I think sleep is an often overlooked necessity - and a good mattress goes a long way in securing restful sleep and therefore a great next day!
I'm looking forward to seeing the photos of your new bedroom suite.
In the meantime - enjoy you sleeps - Bailey and Lucky have the same sleeping habits I see - Lucky curls up at the foot of the bed. Dogs know a good thing too when they feel it!
I love the bears!
Yvonne and becca.. Thanks!
John.. Awwww, thanks! Water beds were great, that's for sure. Much harder to clean up after though.
Kat.. When you show up, will we get much sleep? I have a feeling we won't! :)
J.Day.. It wasn't fun, but I am loving the new one.
Al.. Yeah, I asked my friends if they had wild sex in my bed to bust it. As for the zoo, I don't think I'd brag about old popcorn. It wasn't a big zoo, but we had a great time.
Jenny.. Your compliments on the pictures made me feel so good! Thank you for that. Sleep is definitely overlooked unless you are sorely lacking in it. This mattress has made all the difference. Bailey tends to sleep across the bed, but in the new one she's been laying the right way and mostly gives me more space, thank God! lol
Nicki.. Weren't they great?! They gave us a hell of a show when the male decided he "wanted some" and she was having none of it.
Krissy, you asked, "Aren't I a nice host?".
No you're not. You are a nice (and caring) "hostess" unless I'm confused as to what your gender is.
I'd love to know where this zoo y'all went to is located.
I'm glad you got a new mattress that allows you to sleep better. You must be a great (or intimidating) shopper when the store throws in extras for you. Or maybe that sales lady has a secret crush on you. Maybe I should just shut my mouth now? LOL!!
What nice, clear photos!
After we got our fancy new mattress, I was still sore when I woke up. Then, we got one of those "memory foam" toppers. LOVE it! Glad to hear you're sleeping well again. It sure makes a big difference in daytime energy levels.
We have a zoo membership. We try to go multiple times throughout the year. Our kids love it!
Don.. Awwww, thank you. That was Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC.
Soapy.. I am thinking about throwing my memory foam topper on it, too. I haven't used it so far, but it can only make it more comfortable, right? A good night's sleep definitely makes a huge difference! Thanks for your compliment on the photos. :)
hotpants.. It's been so long since I've gone to a zoo, but I think the adults enjoyed it every bit as much as the kids, if not more! We had a blast.
Man, a good mattress is soooo important.
Thank goodness Feyonce and I were on the same page. We got a rock hard mattress... anything squishy leaves us with insane back pain.
Glad to hear you slept well!
Stephanie.. You aren't kidding about the comfort of a mattress. I think mine is soft as hell, but my neighbor said it's too firm. I think she's on crack. :) That's awesome that you and Feyonce agree on what you both need.
New furniture sounds exciting! :D
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