Not too long ago there was a bad wreck in Columbia, SC. I was watching the news and they were talking about how they had to reroute traffic around this fast food restaurant. The reporter was talking to an eyewitness who said the truck came barreling around the drive-through and flew into oncoming traffic. You could tell from the expression on the reporter's face that he hadn't had any prep time with this woman, and he was a little hesitant about even talking to her. If you had seen her, you'd know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately, I can't even find a picture that does her justice.
So the witness goes on to tell us what she saw. She was very antsy throughout the whole thing, and she kept glancing over her shoulder looking at the scene where all the cops were gathered around. Then the reporter asks her, "So, what went through your mind when you saw all of this? Were you scared?"
The witness responded, "I don't know, man. I was stoned at the time." Wait, what now?
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In other wonderful news, remember the professor I've been fussing about? Well, if you've missed it, I've had this one professor who has been nit-picking me to death and has pretty much been no help. I get the pleasure of having again next term! Isn't that fantastic? The school loved his work with me so much that they wanted to give him another shot at ruining my 4.0 GPA in my LAST term of school. Yay! By the way, he still hasn't finished grading my work from this last course, so the school is showing my status as incomplete at the moment. You gotta love that, right? I'm so excited I can hardly keep from beating my head into a wall.
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If she came out with that comment while being interviewed on telly she was probably stoned then as well.
Don't you HAAAAAAATE that? I had a teacher who flat out refused to give A's. He gave everyone a D on their first assignment and the people with the best drawings (it was a design class) got B+'s. He drove me up the wall. I drove home crying more than one night after his class.
I can't stand teachers like that.
And there is no shortage of idiots on the news these days. Sheesh.
Oh teachers like that can suck it. I mean, where's the harm in being a wee bit nicer? I once had three big finals in a row, and went to all three professor to ask to take a test early or a day later. They all flat out refused because it caused them extra work to make up a new test. I couldn't even finish my second final, I didn't have enough time to dash across campus. So on the last problem I simply wrote,"Doc, I have my 3rd final in 5 minutes across campus and since you (or the other two) were unable to proctor this test for me at another time, I will be unable to finish my final. See you next semester in Nutrition." LOL Still passed the class.
I actually want to see the reporter's face. LOL
Tony.. Since it was shortly after the wreck, I'm sure she was still stoned and carrying!
Cake Betch.. I am still waiting for my final grade from him, so I better have gotten an A. He sure is all about making me fight for every bit though!
OT.. No doubt about that!
J.Day.. That was awesome that you wrote that on the exam. At least he knew you weren't trying to get out of something! I wish I had thought to take a picture of the reporter and the woman he interviewed. LOL
yep i've had irritating teachers like that, but some real nice ones too.
i'm with OT on this one
Joss.. Yeah, the good ones are awesome, but the bad ones make it so hard to get through it when you are working and have other things going on with your life.
Becca.. Amen to that!
I'm stoned and I forgot to brush my hair. Dude.
Al... You have hair to brush? Yay for you! :)
"that is why they call it dope"
"I just smoke dope to relax. They should legalize it. Nothing happens when you smoke it." Yup, I heard all of these things and more from my ex-fiance` aka pot addict.
Wow! That's hysterical!!! Oh and as for your professor? Don't sweat it, I'm sure you will do GREEEEAT!
Bruce.. I can definitely see that in her.
Soapy.. That's about as brilliant as my ex-husband saying that he wasn't an alcoholic because he didn't go to meetings. Lots of brain cells active in those two!
Yvonne.. I sure hope so! Glad you enjoyed the story though.
I can't stand teachers like that! I had a professor like that...I've been wishing death upon her ever since! I still have the voodoo doll!
Thundercat.. Want to send me the doll? I'm sure I could make a few minor adjustments. Or you could do it for me! :)
People in SC should NEVER be interviews about ANYTHING! LOL! And I live here. But I'm not stoned. Maybe that would help?
John.. I am beginning to think that's exactly what our problem is! LOL
Wow I guess she was still stoned to admit that on TV.
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