Did anyone else find it disturbing to see Hanson perform on Dancing with the Stars last night? I didn't watch the whole show as my phone kept ringing off the hook, but there is something bizarre about seeing grown (I am using that term loosely here) men sing "M'Bop!"
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Are you all sick to death of Kate Middleton and Prince William yet? I'm thinking that I'm glad we didn't have TV coverage like this back with Diana got married. At least, I don't remember them covering it this way. I remember watching the wedding, and I'm sure I'll watch this one. What girl hasn't dreamed of marrying a handsome prince and having the wedding of a lifetime? Not that I think William is handsome, and I definitely didn't think his dad ever was. I remember wondering why the hell Diana would marry that guy, but I guess it was a fairy tale even if the Prince wasn't handsome.
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I'm sure Kate's wedding photos will be much better since she is marrying a Prince with Diana's genes.
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I must say though, that if I didn't truly like both of them (I mean, as much as you can like royalty that you read about in the press and see on TV) I'd want to rip her hair out and smack him around a bit for being all over everything I look at lately. Do we really need to know what underwear she's shopping for and about the idiot guard who said she snubbed him and got his dumbass self fired by posting about it on Facebook? And I need to know even less about Harry being back with his old girlfriend. Bless his heart, he is just not appealing to me whatsoever. I'm sure that breaks his heart.
By the way... Remember when I told you I got a new mattress? Well, I went the next day to buy an entire bedroom suite. Here is a picture I took with my cell phone in the store, so of course it doesn't do it justice.
But you get the idea. It's a really rich, kind of Southwestern looking wood. I'll take more with the REAL camera after they deliver it! (I paid $1386 for it when it was regularly $1848, by the way.)
Anyway, the salesperson who was there when I went to purchase the set (I had to go back the next day because it was 25% off), told me that the mattress I bought also would have been 25% if I had waited one more day. She also tells me that I could have gotten the box-spring as well for less than the mattress! Not to mention, the manager who rang up the sale and handled the whole thing for me didn't bother to tell me that I could lose a 10 YEAR warranty on the mattress if I don't buy the box-spring. What the ...? You are shitting me, right? Nope!
So the salesperson was majorly upset that I wasn't told all of this. She tells me to let her get with the manager and she'll get back to me. I go back yesterday for her to refund the sale on the mattress and ring up the set. Guess what this little swindler tried to do this time?! She tells me that I originally got 12% off on the mattress so she's going to give me the 13% off on the box-spring to make it right since that would total 25%. Ummmm... Lady, I don't know what kind of backwoods people you are used to dealing with, but that is SOOOOO not right.
For those who are a little bit math challenged, let me break this down for you. This is what she wanted to give me.
$599 (mattress) with 12% off=$527.12
$399 box-spring with 13% off=$347.13
For a total of $874.25, which in her mind totals 25% off. Not hardly!
The complete set is supposed to be sold for $799, which is a savings off of what she was trying to pull right off the bat! What I ended up arguing for and paying for was this....
$799 at 25% off = $599.25.
Far cry from that crap she tried to pull, right? Anyway, I just had to share this small town math with you. I guess she thought I was an idiot who was willing to keep paying since I had spent $2000 in her store in two days. I may be blonde, but I did not fall off of the turnip truck yesterday, my peeps! It was the day before at the very least.
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yes, here in sunny Scotland I am so damn sick of the 24/7 royal wedding coverage that it is sucking my will to live!
I am sure she will look lovely on the day but what she is wearing under the dress? Too much information!
I love that salespersons maths....which school did she go to??? lol
The other day I told Boyfriend that I was sick of hearing about Kate and William and he had no clue what I was talking about.
Ugh, couldn't care less about the Royal wedding.
And your bedroom suite is, well...sweet! Great price too! I need you to wheel and deal for me. I pay full price for everything!
lyndylou.. I bet you are more sick of it than we are! I know that salesperson didn't go to the same school I did to learn that math. LOL
JM.. I wish I could live in the world your Boyfriend is. :)
Sandra.. Thanks! I think I'm going to love it. I paid $1386 for the bedroom suite and it was regularly $1848. I never pay full price if I can help it.
You think you are sick of hearing about the Royal wedding, you should try being over here.
Yay congrats on those great prices, I paid nearly 800 for my mattress set a couple of years ago... and my bedroom suite doesn't look nearly as pretty as yours.. (actually its mainly just a headboard)
AmberLaShell Rants
I remember Di's wedding too. It burned forevermore the realization into my soul that no matter how ugly you may be, if you are rich enough, you can get a total hottie like Di to marry you (or get her parents to make her marry you!)
(at the time hottie was her only apparent attribute but over the years we all learned what an angel she was too)
I totally expected Guilty Pleasures Night on DWTS to be a total flop, but then I realized EVERY week of DWTS is Guilty Pleasure Week. The whole damn show is a guilty pleasure. So I kicked back and enjoyed some Journey and maybe...maybe some Hanson.
so not interested in royal wedding and seeing Hanson not to impressed but lovesd the cartoon at the end that was me in school
I am not watching DWTS this time around. And as for Charles and Diana, I remember getting up super early, in the wee hours of the morning to watch the wedding. I was so excited! And I remember there was a whole lot of media coverage back then too. But I do agree that this coverage is over the top. Still, I can't wait to see the wedding!
I think Diana got it backwards. She kissed a prince and he turned into a frog.
what do they teach them in math these days? lol
I've been ignoring the tv a little, this wedding coverage is saturation level, its like when ABBA came to Australia in 1977! couldn't turn on the TV or walk around a shop corner...BAM..there they were..
I feel sorriest for my Chloe(daughter), she has to sit hour after hour and monitor this stuff, she works in presntation for a major Television mob here.
Thanks for following me, I don't know how I've missed your blog, I see many familiar names above my head there.you have a new follower too :)
I agree with you on DWTS! When Rock of Ages came on MyLove asked, "who in the hell is this?" I had to look it up to find out it is a broadway musical LOL.
We are losing interest every season.
I've asked the question, "Who cares" about the Royal Wedding and no one is answering me LOL.
Nice bedroom set!
Fancy schmancy bedroom set! Nice!
I love wood (go ahead, make a joke, I'm asking for it)... when it comes to furniture and trim.
Glad you got the deal. I hate fighting about stuff like that, but it's worth it. I refuse to pay full price for ANYTHING if I can help it!
Since I rarely watch television, I'm not sick of the royal wedding coverage. I'm looking forward to watching it on my DVR, though. :-)
Nice bedroom set! Sounds like you bought it from someone who thinks math results come only from a calculator....
Tony.. I can only imagine how much you all have to listen to over there.
Amber.. Thanks! I am happy with the prices, and can't wait to get the set delivered.
Rob.. I guess that wedding was a dream for you guys too, when you put it that way. LOL Welcome to my blog! And yes, Di was an angel, and she made it so Kate's life will be much easier, I think.
Nicki.. Bleck to the Hanson part, but I definitely enjoy that show! It was awesome last night to see Donnie Wahlberg dancing and singing again. He got a kick out of dancing with the pro near the end.
becca.. LOL.. Glad you liked the cartoon.
Yvonne.. I HAD to watch DWTS for my boy Hines! I know, I'm excited to see the wedding too, but it's going to kill me that I probably won't see most of it until after work. Stupid work! :)
Al.. You are absolutely right, my friend! Too funny...
IWBY.. Thanks for the follow! I thought the same thing when I saw your blog yesterday, that I don't know how we missed each other until now. Your poor daughter must want to pop her own eyes out. I'm sure Kate will be just as glad for it to be over as we all will be.
cajunme.. I think the show has had so many good dancers that it's not like the beginning when everyone was kinda bad at the beginning, ya know?
Stephanie.. Since you asked for it.. How much do you love wood? :) I will enjoy my fancy schmancy wood all the way. Yeah, I said it.
Soapbox.. I don't think that lady knows what to enter into a calculator and that's the real problem. LOL
I will not watch the wedding....I will not watch the wedding.... I am not fascinated with the Royals..... I am TOTALLY fascinated with them and all their royalty stuff. I am also tired of hearing about it, but I think I want to be a princess. Wait, I mean I am a princess. And Harry>William IMO.
Also, that sales lady needs to be fired until she can produce proof of her GED.
What wedding and who the H is Hanson????
But I did watch s=dancing with the stars and must say I liked the dancing. Esp- when Karate Kid recovered his partner and kept dancing!
I'm gonna try the voice next!
She must have been using that "new" math all the kids are talking about. ;)
Glad you got her straightened out!
Buying beds in North America is so strange because we are required to buy the box spring - which is a gimmick as far as I can see.
I got rid of my box spring after my last trip to Germany where I fell in love with their bed setups.
Now my mattress sits on slats - not a box spring. First thing I noticed was better support of my mattress.
Years ago when I bought the mattress I have now, I was told the warranty of my Sterns & Fosters mattress would not be covered without purchasing the box spring. That's changed, now you can buy them separately.
Great Post - nice bedroom suite too! I'm looking forward to your pics.
Oh...I'm typing this while the recap of the royal wedding is on - too early to get up and "attend" a wedding I wasn't invited to!
Cheers, Jenny
Sadly it was likely the girl was too dumb not that she was trying to cheat you.
That's a lovely bedroom set. Congratulations, Krissy.
And, yes, we've had enough of the royal couple. I could not care less.
Be well.
Come by and pick up an AWARD! For posts just like this! You are WELCOME!
Love the new set, hope it treats your "royally"
I love Hanson. MMMBop always makes me happy.
Tame One.. I know you were watching all of the coverage like I was. It was fantabulous!
John.. I've been taping the Voice but I haven't watched it yet. I need to catch up on it.
Sam.. That is a new math I have never come across, that's for sure!
Jenny.. It's never too early to attend a royal wedding! Invited or not... :)
Mrs. Tuna.. I'm afraid that's probably the case, and sadly I hope so!
Robyn.. I enjoyed the wedding though!
John.. Oh let me go see. An award?! On my birthday even! (That day was.)
Reptiles.. I'm glad that music makes you happy because I just want to rip my ears off and then I get that song stuck in my head!
I'm glad the wedding is over. I couldn't handle anyone who talked about it all the time without giving dirty looks. Probably the same dirty looks that you gave the sales person. I mean, do they not know our phones act as calculators so at the very least, even if you can't divide percentages, you can add the total and see it's not right? They're the idiots.
Ava.. Amen to that about the idiot sales lady! I can imagine the wedding got old, it even did to me. But I was excited the day of it and enjoyed it. It was a beautiful wedding. Welcome to my blog, btw! Glad to have you here.
LOL cute picture. And who said blondes can't do math?!
Adorkable.. I have always been good at math. :)
Your bedroom set looks fit for a princess. What with its neo-classical theme with a touch of contemporary glamour. I love it!
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