Well, isn't that fitting since it's April Fool's Day that we do another edition of Friday Foolishness? My mother, who you all have come to know and love in my stories of her wild antics, absolutely loves this day. I don't know what it is, but you basically cannot believe a word that she says on April Fool's Day. God help you if you don't realize what day it is when you are talking to her because she will get you with something major every time. I wanted to jump through the TV and kiss the news man this morning who filled me in before I even left the house. She will NOT get me this year, dammit.
I got
my new camera yesterday finally! I opened it at work just long enough to take the battery out to charge it so it would be all ready for when I got home. It was pretty genius, I thought. I was all excited to play with my new toy and wow you all with wonders the likes of which you have never seen. But of course, I get home and it's raining freakin' cats and dogs so there was to be no outdoor picture taking. I figured, that's fine. Bailey makes a good subject and you all love seeing her so much anyway, right? Uh huh... I thought so!
Now let me stop there to explain that I don't like talking on the phone. I don't know why, but I don't care for it. It's actually pretty strange because people couldn't get me off of the phone in earlier years. Anyway, I would much rather text or talk on the computer if we can't be together. I think you get the idea. But last night everyone and their freaking brother wanted to talk to me on the phone because I had a new toy to play with! I even told every single one of them about my new toy hoping they would get the hint so I could go figure out how to use the damn thing. Do you think that worked? Nope!
By the time I got around to unwrapping it all and putting it together, I had no patience left to be reading the instruction manual. There are so many buttons and functions on that thing that there was no way I was going to be able to wow even myself with the first shots. Bailey decided that would be a good time to do nothing except chew on a bone and getting close-ups of that only pointed out to me that I needed to vacuum. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to figure it out tonight.
At least the sun is out today. I feel like I haven't seen it in a month! We either end up in a drought or with never ending rain around here. It's very bizarre. We kinda needed that rain to wash away all of the pollen though. I'm not much of an outdoors-type person, but if I can't see the sun for a while, I get a bit cranky. It's almost like it's supposed to be there for me whether I need it or not, ya know? 'Cuz this is my world, dammit. I'm not picky about many things, and I'm not nearly as spoiled as I used to be when I was young. But there are certain things I like and sunshine is one of them!
Is it just me or has this been the longest damn week ever? You would think I was waiting for Christmas or something the way it drug on and on. (Drug?.. Is that right? Sounds weird.) A couple of people at work have said the same thing. Yesterday a guy in my office was talking on the phone and he told someone it was Friday. I almost gave myself whiplash turning around to look at the calendar. Don't TEASE ME that way!! It is sooooo not right.
On that note, I'll leave you with a couple of funnies. It's Friday NOW, everyone! Enjoy a cocktail for me because I know I'll be doing it for you as soon as drink-thirty gets here. Cheers!
Now go play some tricks on people. Just don't try them on me, please!
LOL My boyfriend's father is telling everyone that I'm pregnant as his April Fools. I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not. He started the morning by telling me that my boyfriend's sister in law was pregnant (which would be bad) and I freaked for a split second before remembering it was April 1st.
Also, I hate talking on the telephone too. Really hate it.
Ok I will try and pull some pranks on people today.
Betch.. After your post the other day, him saying you are pregnant is even funnier to me! I can picture the drawing you could make of your face on the one he tried to fool you with. LOL
OT.. Let me know how that goes!
NO NO NO NO NO NO! I am dying to see the pics from your new toy...I'm salivating over here! okay, Nicki, that's gross. But seriously...I'm dying to see it/it's offspring. AKA pictures. AKA I need to stop talking now.
Chauncey is the same way. Cute as heck most of the time, but the second I get out the camera he turns into a canine sloth.
Anyway, I always used to put this squeaky fake frog in my mom's bed, purse, etc. for April Fool's Day when I was little. I thought I was very sneaky and to her credit, she played along well. Cheers to that, and actually, anything else you have to say.
Thank god it's Friday.
I'm going to my alumni happy hour this evening. I went to an all girl Catholic high school. So when we all realized our HH was on April Fool's day we cracked up! How ironic for us right??? lol
Nicki.. It's the universe's evil ploy to keep you checking back here. :) There are so many buttons on the thing that it took me forever to click even the first crappy picture, although even crappy it was clear as hell!
Abby.. I know, it's like they know when to avoid you, those brats! I love the frog thing. :) No doubt, thank God it's Friday!
Yvonne.. You should all show up dressed as guys then! LOL That's too funny.
i hate talking on the phone! just the sound of it ringing stresses me out. and yeah, i spent hours on the phone as a teen. 'course you couldn't email, DM, text or FB anyone either.
can't wait for pics!
great post and omg that pic of the little girl on the phone love it to cute
Patty.. I think Bailey feels the same way because she barks as soon as the phone stops ringing, and she barks the whole time I'm on the phone. Of course, she's just an attention hog. And we were so deprived back then, but I cannot even imagine how much my mom would have policed me on the internet. At least I had more privacy the old way.
becca.. That's what I thought when I saw it! She is too cute. Her expression is priceless.
I have a friend that said she's pregnant on Facebook as an April Fool's prank... and then had to withdraw it a few hours later and put an apology up after her parents, her boyfriend's parents, and her grandparents started calling them freaked out.
God bless social media.
Beer.. That's a bit of a big one to post online. Bless them that all of them are online though! It was funnier when a male blogger put it on his today, and then said maybe he was just ovulating. :)
I rang my boss abd told him I wasn't going to work because I was in bed with his wife. But I forgot to tell him the April Fool part.
Tony, I'm pretty good at writing or so I'm told. Would you like me to do your new resume for you? I'm sure we could find some references in the blogosphere. :)
LFOL at Tony-
and LFOL at the preggers on april fools day...all of it...
nice post...show us the pics!
Good luck with the camera. I will *never* know what all of the buttons on mine do!
Krissy, try using "dragged" instead of "drug".
I sent out an April 1, 20ll email to a bunch of folks telling them that I had died that morning and giving them instructions as to what they should do. I even put a PS: at the end saying, "HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY!". Several people replied saying it was a good joke that made their day, but 2 people said it wasn't funny because they thought I had died when they read it. I wonder how many emails they receive from dead people.
I too hate talking on the phone. This is why I have one phone for everything and it's a cellphone and about 3/4 of the time it's turned off. :) Hey if you can't reach me I don't have to talk.
I am waiting to buy iphone with video. This way I hope I can read faces and understand the prank
OMG, I hate talking on the phone, too. I personally think that texting is one of the best invention in the history of talking! It gives me exactly what I used to want to say to people: just bottom line me--in other words, what the fuck do you want and can I hang up now?
It's a terrible shame because 99% of the time I love the people on the other end. Imagine if I didn't...>.>;
haa haaaa! GREAT ONE!
Bruce.. Those were hilarious, right? I swear you guys leave awesome comments.
Soapbox.. Me either! But I'm going to try.
Don.. Thanks for the tip. I think some people send emails out like that for someone who passes, but I don't know.
Assassin.. What an awesome idea! Except my family freaks if I don't answer since I live alone. Oops, not supposed to say that on the internet, huh?
cap.. That's a great idea. Welcome to my blog! So glad you stopped by.
Kat.. I totally agree about texting, and I used to think it was stupid. Now I just wish I could get my parents to do it. I'm thinking that'll never happen.
John.. I really don't know where it came from. Guess I could have looked that up.
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