A man in California was apparently trying to leave his home after an argument, and his wife climbed on the hood of his car to try to stop him. The man is a meth addict so that wasn't going to deter him. Somehow I don't think the scene looked anything like this...
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Okay, this woman has obviously made winning choices in men. He's a meth head.. HELLO! Why would you attempt to hold onto the car if he is determined to drive away? I'm sorry, but there isn't that much love in the world for me. My ex was an alcoholic (long, long ago) and we fought about him driving, but I wasn't going to put my ass on his hood to try to stop his crazy self.
What's even better is this same winner in the story climbed into a 6 foot deep trash container about a week before this and threatened to drown himself in the 5 inches of water that was on the bottom. Seriously? To begin with, EWWWWWWWWW! And if they had let him do it then, his wife wouldn't have taken that scenic ride on the hood of the van. I know I shouldn't joke about suicide, but c'mon!
I just... *sigh*... I can't even put into words how freaking nuts this whole thing was. My mother always told me that if you lie down with dogs you are bound to get fleas. Do you think fleas could have stayed on this woman at 100 mph?
That reminds me, I need to check my windshield wipers to make sure they can support the weight of a woman.
Too funny.
i hate that we have warning lables. without the warning lables mebbe one or both of these losertards would have been eliminated from the genepool...
but on the plus side a blog post like this just kinda writes itself!
Cocaine, it's a hell of a drug.
Cheeseboy.. Planning on seeing how strong they are or how strong she is? LOL Glad to see you around here!
bruce.. Ain't that the truth?! Losertards is the perfect word for them. Yep, posts like this help get me through in times of need.
OT.. Apparently so... Just what brain cells do drugs take out when all of them are in bad shape like this couple?
I don't understand why she didn't let him drown in the dumpster water...I think at that point I would just offer to hold his head down.
I saw a story about this myself. Something about the judge not accepting his guilty plea? I'm not sure WHY the judge wouldn't accept it. The man clearly endangered his wife by driving around with her clinging to the hood... Did you see anything about that?
Probably she was being supplied her meth by said "hubby" and that "she loved him". I love watching these TV shows where the women is beaten, is clearly a crack head and says "but I love him". I was a druggie in the 70's but damn, if anybody mistreated me they were history.
1st, I would have never jumped on the hood of that car..
2nd, even if I had, as soon as he started rolling forward, I would have jumped off..
Crazy people.
wow that be some serious crazy going on
"Ya can't fix stupid" applies to folks like this. Where is Darwin when you need him?
I kind of want to bathe in Lysol after reading this.
To be honest, they sound like they're made for each other--or an upcoming episode of COPS. Oy vey.
Oh brother, what a story. And to think...we could have lost two TOP NOTCH members of MENSA that night. Perish the thought!
Okay, we're a little wacko here in sunny California (well, maybe a lot wacko...), but these two take the cake. THe way I see it, it's good she doesn't leave him,who else would have him? At least they don't ruin anybody else.
So are these *fine* folks up for Darwin Awards or anything? I mean, they ought to get something for being such *ucktards.
Sounds like there were two meth heads involved in this scenario.
Primed.. Amen, sister! She would have saved herself a lot of hurt.
Sunny Dee.. I thought his arraignment was supposed to be today (Wednesday), but I'm not sure. I honestly wasn't going to spend too much time on his sorry ass.
Barb.. No doubt! My father never hit me so I'll be damned if another man would. I'd have to be on meth or something to get on the hood of that car. She couldn't have been much brighter than him.
Amber.. Exactly! You and me.. sane.. or relatively so. That lady.. crazy. But it gives us fun writing on slow days. Note that I didn't give the idiot publicity by putting his name up there.
Eeshie.. Cheers to you, too! I don't like being cold .. or dead.
Al.. LMAO... That she was. Do they have rednecks in Cali?
Soapbox.. I love that saying, and you are totally right. I think the meth is trying to weed these two out for rest of us though.
Abby.. I'm with ya on that one. Can you see CSI trying to put together all of the evidence on this one? LOL
Reckmonster.. Oh, what a scary thought! The story just had to be told.
Alessandra.. LOL That's the damn truth, although thank God they didn't kill someone on the damn road besides each other in the process.
J.Day.. I think they should be. This was a double dose of stupid! Bruce called it best by saying they are losertards.
Robyn.. I agree! I'm sure there will be more to the story, but I'm sure not hunting it down. I wasted enough brain cells already on them.
becca.. Almost missed ya! That is definitely nuts.
Welcome to California, the home of the fruits and nuts and meth heads.
Adorkable.. They definitely do it well in Cali!
Holy crap. What is WRONG with people? Having said that, I laughed. :)
Assassin.. Like Bruce said, these kind of posts just write themselves. What would do without these maniacs in our world? LOL
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