Let's make it a competition. Come up with a name I should call my followers. Whoever comes up with the best one will get a $25 gift card to your favorite website. So send everyone this way! You have to be a follower to enter the giveaway and display my button on your blog. (If you have one.. I don't want to exclude my friends who don't blog but enjoy that I do.)
*Evil laugh going on with my cocktails!* I love making my _________(s) work for me. What are you people? Well, besides awesome for having the good taste to follow me.
To add a little something extra, let me know if you tweet this, blog about it, send this out on Facebook, or whatever, and I'll pimp you out! Just leave a comment letting me know so I can go see it.
Update: Someone who shall remain nameless (yes YOU Vicki, ya froggy woman) told me that my button was ginormous. It's not when you post in on the side. See, look to the right. The right is -------> that way. :)
uhm..fellow bullsh*ters? Or is that wrong? lol
ooh, I like your button. I want to press your button. Sorry, I don't know what you should call us- your little lovelies (?)
Bullettes??? (get it? like bullets but...shit, never mind)
*back to the drawing board*
Well, even if it was big as a house I would FIND a way to display it anyway! Not that my blog is big as a house, y'know, I'm jus sayin.
I'm new to this "button" thing, so bear with me if I'm lame about it.
We could be "calve-aleers" or "bullies" or something with horny in it...I need to shut up now.
Hang on just a second, button stealers! Amber just made it even freaking better! If you can believe it....
I am loving your ideas so far. :)
Okay, it's fixed! Grab the new and improved one. :)
How about Tauries? You know like the Tories only better, okay, I better shut up too. I love your button, and Ima gonna steal it.
Hey, how about Boveeners? I know, I know, shut up!
hmmm, maybe Talkers??? is that stupid??
I was thinking bailey bugs, you know after your dog,, but that might be just cause I was looking at a picture of him when i thought of it, LOL
How about "Talkative Readers"? Meh, I couldn't think of anything catchy! lol
Oh man! I was gonna say "bullshitters"! LOL Oh well, if we stick with the cow thing . . . um, your "herd"?
Okay, I'm going to go slink away in shame! lol
New blog design is up with the exception of a few minor adjustments! I'll reply to your posts tomorrow... er, later today. I am up WAY past my bedtime. I hope you all like the new layout!
Krissy's Kurmudgeon's
A curmudgeon is defined as one that dislikes humanities absurdities. But, see what I did? I replaced the (C) with a (K) to fit better with Krissy, cause it's fu.....ahh, forget it. I'm suck.
Taurites, Cow Pies, ChatterCows, Literate Bulls, that's it...
I love your new button. I wish I knew how to make one!
How about My Little Taureans?
Name your followers "Beautiful Babes and Horny Jerks". LOL!
I don't blog but I'm glad you do. If I win keep your gift card for something or someone later and just send me some virtual hugs and kisses. Yes, I'm one of those Horny Jerks, plus being a raging Taurus bull.
Shhh don't tell ibut ti stole the pretty button :)
as for names i like the name scoobies,or bullpen,
I'm not going to comment on the suggestions because I don't want to give anyone an advantage. :)
Cinderita.. Not wrong at all. LOL Simple Dude suggested that a couple weeks ago.
Amy.. You should since it's your awesome drawing! And you pressed my button the day you agreed to draw Bailey.
Vicki.. I'm so glad you could fit my ginormous button somewhere on your blog! :) You are a nut.
Abby.. I'm glad to help with the button thing if you need me to.
Alessandra.. I'm so glad you are stealing it!
OT.. Awwww, I don't have a dirty mouth?! Have we met? I guess compared to some others around the joint, I don't.. but still.
Amber.. None of these suggestions are stupid!
Yvonne.. Me either. That's why you all are here! LOL
J.Day.. You are around bulls all the time, c'mon woman! :) Okay, that sounded weird. lol
ib.. You are definitely original, my friend.
Adorkable.. Wow, you went all out!
Lyndylou.. I'm not awesome at it, but I can do a few things.
Don.. The horny jerk and raging Taurus bull was kinda redundant, no? :)
becca.. Yay! I'm so glad you stole it. :)
HAHA - I've only been around bulls for a month now. And I'm really dealing muddy cow crap! lol I was just trying to keep it clean! lol
Hmmmm....Bull Chasers? Running with the Bull?
That's all I got...I do likee your button though!!
or BuckOff--Ok that's bad! Sorry!
I'm so posting this on my site to send hordes- OK--3 people by!!
Love everything about the new Blog!
How did I not know you were from Kingstree before! OMG! Hi Neighbor.....
so Button is up and how about Matadorians, or Bullfighters...nak- I gibe!
John... LOL.. Any you send my way are welcome. Thanks! I'm thinking you didn't read my comments if you didn't know I was that close to you. We talked about being neighbors before! LOL
hmmmmm how about your pitbulls. I know its a dog.... but i think it sounds cool
I am chucking it here to darlin: Just because and so you won't forget...
Have to chuck in my hat on this.
Cows are full of it, yes. But not all people! lol I'll just stick with your "herd". lol
Still sticking with your Zodiacs for the name of ur peeps.
Love the design, will add ur button right now!
Well naturally you know that I like Rita's "The Bullshitters". ;-)
Members of the Bull Pen?
Since is a Taurus=Bull, Pen=writing, and it's...
I'm overexplaining, aren't I? I'm so sleeeepyyy...
Emily.. Anything is game around here.
AG.. Thanks for putting it here too, hon! Of course, you should get into this.
J.Day.. Some people are overfull. LOL
CBG.. Thanks!
Kat.. No, I'm glad you explained! It had a much different meaning when you put it that way.
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