For those of you who are like me and have only used point-and-click type cameras, you know the frustration that led to a purchase I made yesterday. You know what I'm talking about. When you see something you just have to get on film and by the time the damn camera is ready the moment is gone. Yeah, that kinda frustration. Like my nieces and nephews doing something thoroughly adorable like this...
My grand-nephew J.. Ain't he adorable?? |
But what you get on camera is more like this....
Sorry I didn't have one of my own pictures that fit the bill because I usually delete the ones I don't like. But you know what I'm talking about. They are too busy having fun to pose for you, for God's sake. And heaven forbid you take a picture a second too EARLY and then try to get the damn thing ready for the shot you REALLY wanted. Too late! By the time the camera is ready again, you've missed it.
Well, no more for me! I ordered this little gem yesterday, and I can't freaking wait for it to get here!
This is the new Canon Rebel T3i that can not only snap pictures quickly, but it can also do video if I want it to. Yes, I see video taping Bailey at the water for all of you in our future. Wooo hooo! Are you excited? I sure hope so because you all are going to be graced with some awesome photos and other things once it gets here and I figure out how to use the damn thing. Let's just hope I'm as good as I always hoped I would be with a REAL camera. If not, lie to me, m'kay? My family and friends always seems to think I do a pretty bang up job with my older camera so imagine the possibilities. I am usually the designated picture taker which is another reason I'm not usually IN many pictures. Well, that and because I can't stand to see myself in pictures. It took everything I had to send Amy those pictures to do her drawings of me.
I'm sure my new photos will be fantabulous though! You just wait and see, my people. Oh, that reminds me! You've got a couple of more days to get your butts over to
my giveaway and help name yourselves. I'll decide on Monday who gets the prize. I have been thoroughly enjoying the responses so far, and it takes everything I have not to comment on what I like and don't care for. But they are all great, so there's not much I didn't care for.
Don't forget to let me know if you promote it so I can pimp you out.. I mean, give you a shout-out. On that note, I meant to return the favor for my girl Thundercat over at
Colorful Rants of a Fed Up Sista. She calls me Little Ms. Keep It Real, which I absolutely LOVED. She is a trip and a half, so you need to go check her out if you haven't already.
Catch all of you crazy folks later!
So fancy!
I have an ancient digital camera that is great for capturing a moment 10 seconds after I want to, so I still to still shots of boring things I can awkwardly pose. My dog is not into this.
Can't wait to see your shots!
You'll love your new camera. I just got a Canon SX 30IS, and I love it. I'm going to post some pics I took on Catalina with the camera, you're welcome to check them out any time. My camera has so many buttons, features, menus etc. that it's going to take a long time to use it to its full ability.
Can't wait for some beautiful pics of Bailey!
Nice camera!!!
Abby.. Yeah, that Bailey never holds still for me either. I can't wait to see what I get with the new one!
Alessandra.. I look forward to seeing your pictures. I'm sure I'll never figure out half of what the camera can do. Oh, Bailey is going to be a starring feature on those new pictures though! She's such a great subject, but then I'm bias. :)
OT.. Thanks! I'm excited about it.
i like a camera with rebel in the name. move over annie liebowitz.
First, your great nephew is so freaking adorable! Second, you are nuts! You are lovely and you should be in pictures more often! You are going to love this camera. I had an Canon Rebel xt something I can't remember- a few years ago. It's great. I ended up trading it in for a Nikon D40- but I miss the Canon. Can't wait to see the pictures you take with it.
patty.. Pretty awesome, huh? I plan to be a rebel by torturing everyone with my pictures. :)
Amy.. I would say you are delusional, but that fact that you think J is adorable means your eyes are pretty good. :) But thank you so much, my friend. How can I argue with someone who has such an eye for art? I'm so excited about the camera that I might bust before it gets here.
i got a samsung SL600 for christmas not that i know what any of that means but it takes great pictures
oh i am all shades of jealous!
so besides the camera which I get totally excited about... oh me loves a good camera!
My other question is: how the heck could you have a "grand" nephew! Good lord woman, you are just a youngin!
I think that is the camera that Holly got from her dad for christmas. She hasn't tried it yet!
Ohhh! Fancy! :)
Many cameras. Can't find the chargers (ok, wise guys, I know the Chargers are in San Diego. You know what I mean).
Thank goodness for the camera in my cell phone.
Those two pictures are priceless. Kids are just so adorable. I need a new camera but not urgent. I'll wait till we're back on our feet and see what's out there then. Technology changes daily!
Becca... That's awesome! I've wanted one for so long.
Mamarazzi.. Be green, girl. Be very green with envy. :)
AG.. The camera is awesome, right? I could kiss you for the youngin comment! That's why I love you so much. As far as the grands, my sisters are 6, 9, and 10 years older than me so they procreated a lot. Their children are following in their footsteps because I have 9 nieces and nephews, and I had 8 grand nieces and nephews (before we lost the one baby). Apparently, I am the only one in the family who knows what birth control is!
Lyndylou.. I think this model just came out because a friend was made he bought the prior version right before, but I don't know for sure. Her dad is good at giving presents if so because it's a $900 camera!
Yvonne.. Very! And I'm going to love it to pieces.
Al.. There you go with your high tech gadgets again.
Barb.. J's got the cutest little face, doesn't he? Technology definitely changes fast. I'm sure you'll get an awesome one when you guys get back on your feet.
Ooooooh, I think you're going to love your new Rebel! I'm a Canon fan, too. :-)
J. is utterly beautiful. Can't wait to see more pictures when you get your new camera.
Be well, Krissy.
Faster shutter speed with kids is a must.
That is a great choice of camera, you won't regret it!!
I'm soo happy you were able to get one. PLEASE post how you like it! It's still TOPS on the wish list: but moving and new home a little more important!
OMG!!!! This is my INCREDIBLY JEALOUS FACE...I want the Rebel so bad! It's legit my dream camera.
I have a really nice point 'n click camera that I STILL haven't taken the time to learn how to use.
Soapbox.. Me, too. My dad had a really nice Canon when we were growing up that I always envied. He literally used it until it died on him.
Robyn.. Thanks! I can't wait to share more pictures with the nicer quality. Take care.
Jack.. Amen to that!
andi.. I think I'm going to be thrilled with it. And welcome to my blog! So glad to see you here.
John.. For someone who isn't talking to me you sure typed a lot! :) I'll be sure to fill you in on the camera. Your priorities are a little more important right now. Those Kodak moments are just going to be better and faster than ever now!
Nicki.. It was mine too so I'm so glad I got it. Nice to know it's good enough that you want it, too! I'm sliding you a cocktail so that jealous face won't turn into a mean face. :)
Cake Betch.. I'm sure I'll never learn all that this new camera does either. I'm selling my old one to my nephew and his wife, and I guarantee I didn't use it to its capacity.
oh, that camera is sweeeeet. :)
LUUUUUCCCKKKY! I haven't used a sweet camera like that since high school. I miss it.
Maybe when I get one for myself it might be that, but if my relationship continues with Cam I might have to switch to Nikon :O
Still unsure but we'll see. ;)
Nenette.. I think so!
Adorkable.. It hurt to pay for it, but I love it! I can't wait for it to get here though. I just love me some Canon products. Always been partial to them.
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